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Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) Requirements Listing:

  • Must be on full-time Time Active Duty (Including a member of the National Guard, Reserve or Coast Guard)
  • 180–90 Days Prior to Separation (Window to File BDD Claim)
  • Must be Filed using VAF 21-526EZ and select the BDD box at top, upper left on claim form.
  • Final Exit Date Required for Box # 8 on VAF 21-526EZ.
  • Claiming Service-Connection for PTSD, complete, VAF 21-0781 (Combat or Personal Trauma) (or) VAF 21-0781a (Personal Assault or MST)
  • Physical (Paper) Service Treatment Records (if applicable)
  • AHLTA Notes / Records
  • Genesis Records  
  • Haim’s Records    (If applicable)
  • Dental Records
  • Military Entrance Processing Exam (MEPS) (Report of Medical Exam and Report of medical History)
  • Separation Self Health Assessment Form (Part-A)
  • Private Medical Treatment Records (if applicable)


Dependents (If applicable)Exclusions from BDD
 Spouses, dependents under 18 and school-age dependents (18–23 full-time students)
  • Claims received from service members with less than 90 days remaining on active duty.
  • Additional contentions that were added by the service member with less than 90 days remaining on active duty.
Complete VAF 21-686c (Spouse and or dependent children under 18)
  • Claims where the service member did not provide a copy of STRs for the current period of service with less than 90 days remaining on active duty.
  • Claims where the service member did not provide a SHA, Part A, and the service member's MEPS Entrance Exam.
Complete VAF 21-674 (Dependent School Age Children 18–23)
  • Claims from service members who are unable to report for examinations as provided.
  • Claims involving a terminally ill service member.
Include a copy of the marriage certificate and/or birth certificate.
  • Claims requiring case management for a service member who are:
    • Very seriously injured/ill (VSI)
    • Seriously injured/ill (SI)
  • A “special category person” (SPC), who has suffered loss of a body part, or
  • Claims where the service member is actively enrolled in the IDES program.
  • Claims involving a service member who is awaiting discharge, while hospitalized in a VA or military treatment facility (MTF), or
  • Claims requiring a character-of-discharge (COD) determination.